
This will be the last post here

Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 04/12/2010

from now on my blog can be found here :


Victor & Rolf (70-0072)

Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 03/23/2010

my next optical glass will be Victor & Rolf

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Easy Company

Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 03/20/2010

Easy Company, 2nd Battalion of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 4th Brigade combat team of the 101st Airborne Division a.k.a. “Screaming Eagles” is one of the most well-known companies in the United States Army. Their experiences in World War II are the subject of the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers based on the book of the same name by historian Stephen Ambrose. In 2009, twenty of the last few remaining survivors from Easy Company recounted their stories in the oral-history book project We Who Are Alive and Remain: Untold Stories From the Band of Brothers.

The 506th PIR was an experimental Airborne Regiment created in 1942 at Camp Toccoa, Georgia. Easy Company missions were to be dropped from a C-47 Transport Airplane over various hostile territories. The units would parachute from the aircraft, and regroup once they had landed. The purpose of an experimental parachute regiment was to gain tactical advantage over the enemy; also as a fast access to wherever the unit needed to be mobilized.

Major Richard Winters described the original organization of Easy company as follows:

“[Easy] company included three rifle platoons and a headquarters section. Each platoon contained three twelve-man rifle squads and a six-man mortar team squad. Easy also had one machine gun attached to each of its rifle squads, and a 60mm mortar in each mortar team.”(Pages 16-17, “Beyond Band of Brothers” ISBN 978-0-425-21375-9)

The training for Easy Company was not an easy task. Besides attending the standard Airborne school, the unit had to perform battle drills and excruciating amounts of physical training. One of the more famous exercises performed physical training was the running of Currahee. Currahee was a large, steep hill, up which the men of Easy Company had to run on a regular basis. Their well-known phrase, “3 miles up, 3 miles down” was derived from this run. Easy Company, while training at Toccoa, was under the command of Herbert Sobel, who was known for his extreme strictness.

Also as part of their physical training, the members of Easy Company performed formation runs. Formation runs are formed into three-four column running groups. The purpose of this training was to first push the soldiers to their limits, and also to teach them how to work together as a team . [From WIKIPEDIA]

(HBO series: Band of Brothers)

After 9 years, HBO is now showing the part 2 of WW II… “The Pacific”


Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 03/17/2010

After 15 years of using Window, I am finally moving to MAC . The reason? Simple. I don’t care how fast computers run on benchmarks, I will leave that to the hardware geeks. I want something simple, something that runs without the viruses, crashes and spam. I don’t want to be bothered with constant need for upgrades, supports, defrags and maintenance. Tomorrow I will be seating in my desk like the doggy in the pic below.

pic from http://www.flickr.com/photos/purprin/3655887487/

hypertension alert

Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 03/03/2010

I really need to relax and avoid stress … I don’t want to go to the hospital again like I did yesterday for hypertension …

quick note

Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 02/07/2010

I despise cynical people …

[cynic] a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view.

Conan’s message

Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 02/06/2010


Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 01/26/2010

I am baffled with my camera again … well being sick again with different routes and options … which setup would help me capture the most moments on my Europe trip … is my current setup too big and heavy to do the job? should I sell it and go back to the basics… ahh… all these problems would be solved by M9 … you bastard


Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 01/24/2010

Sunday Morning + Hiking + Camera + Music = Priceless


Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 01/20/2010

“Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears – it is a remedy, a tonic, orange juice for the ear. But for many of my neurological patients, music is even more- it can provide access, even when no medication can, to movement, to speech, to life. For them, music is not a luxury, but a necessity. ” Oliver Saks – neurologists.

… This is very true, I personally can see it from few of my own patients. Music is more than just beats and lyrics. It is way of life…

Haiti relief donation

Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 01/14/2010

please make a donation by texting ” Haiti ” to number 90999 .

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Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 12/25/2009



Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 12/22/2009

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently”

Henry Ford

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Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 12/19/2009

we are so insignificant compared to the universe …

coffee addiction?

Posted in Miscellaneous by JL on 12/15/2009

Ever since I started working with mentally ill patients, I am drinking more and more coffee … now I can not live without them …

some info from the web-

Coffee stimulates the Central Nervous System, it increases what is known as the “stress hormones” into one’s blood streams which results in the consumer feeling unnaturally alert. This might aid you in working overtime and staying awake all night but what most of us don’t realise is that we tamper with the normal functioning of our body. The alertness caused by coffee is called ‘induced’ alertness which tends to subdue your body’s natural functioning and manipulates its instincts to prevent it from relaxing. This causes he individual to get stressed out and it leads to various kinds of disorders.

A daily caffeine consumer would notice that daily Caffeine intake induces a 24 hour cycle of disturbance in your body. Agreed, a cup of tea/coffee early in the morning definitely boosts your mood BUT most of us can’t stop at just that!Practically every office goer develops a craving for coffee and consequently a heavy fatigue sets in by noon. Even if you gobble down many cups of coffee through the day, a total collapse is inevitable towards evening.

Irritability, gloom and constant fatigue along with sensation of discomfort are the primary symptoms of coffee addiction. The worst part is that when you try dozing off at night, you just can’t, no matter how hard you try, you just aren’t able to fall asleep. That’s not the end, it all goes round and round in a cycle: You wake up the next morning feeling low and stressed out, thirsty and craving for yet another steaming hot cup of coffee. Once you’re tied into this chain of coffee consumption, it becomes too difficult to get yourself out of it.

Thus begins the journey of a coffee-holic, for whom the road ends at dark circles under the eyes due to the immense amount of stress he faces, acidity problems due to the irregularity of diet, irregular palpitations and a hoard more problems.
So as a word of caution to all you die hard coffee lovers, the next time you pick up a cup of coffee, just remind your self, the harmless looking cup of bliss is not all that harmless towards the end of it all.

Caffeine addicts generally consume about 100 mg of caffeine every single day, which is about as much as half a cup of coffee! Hence, people who drink a cup of coffee daily are considered addicted.

Caffeine addiction can be further verified by using withdrawal symptoms as basis for judgement. Withdrawal symptoms generally occur between 12 to 24 hours of the previous dose of caffeine.The most common symptoms of addiction are headaches, physical fatigue, exhaustion, moodiness, muscle aches, difficulty concentrating, irritability and gloom. Most people who quit caffeine consumption abruptly talk about headache and fatigue as the main symptoms.